Farewell: Hold one hand above the eyes as though looking into the distance while slowly waving the other hand.
Is that a cheer? It appears that in cub scouting a cheer is simply any action that you do. Many of the cheers are completely dated:
Fonz: Make a fist thumbs pointing up with each hand in front of you and say "Aaaaaayyyy."
Really? The Fonz. What cub scout has any idea what the Fonz is?
And here is my favorite. An incomprehensible mess of instructions:
Locomotive: Begin on the he [sic] heels of your hands, slowly and together. Gradually increase speed, working towards the finger tips and finally over the ends of the fingers. The last part is raise your hand over your eyes as a gesture of looking in the distance.
Everyone ready? We'll do that one together... and go.
Since Paul is also the Cubmaster in his cub scout troop, we want your ideas for good cheers that we can have our cub scouts do. Leave your recommendations in the comments.