Thursday, February 14, 2013

This guy knows modeling

Here's a web page I made in the early days of the web.  It features a young web entrepreneur with flow-pow for know-how.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Joel, It's Time For You To Post: Cause This Is What Happens

I hope you're happy.

Valentimes for Your Special Something

I like to peruse the card section of any store I go into, although I'm always disappointed. Once again, I've discovered a severe shortage of any love-based card that really communicates any kind of real emotion. Thanks again, Obama!

To cure this, I've designed and printed 23,000 cards that I've been sneakily slipping into the shelves so that people have good options. I do it out of the goodness of my heart. Do you have any idea how many cards you can insert into a grocery store's card section before they grow suspicious? Infinite. People, they never catch on.

Here are my more popular designs that you are free to printout and use for your own romantic purposes.

Once I was looking through my mom's shirt drawer and I came across a shoebox full of love letters my dad had sent to my mom. Dear reader, can you imagine the things I read? I try not to, and yet when I wake in the morning, my mind is already swollen with mental bile. I was so young. How was I to know the horrors of this realm? How could I realize how hopeless it is, how there is no escape?

Happy Valentime's Day!