Sunday, November 30, 2008

Knock Knock Joke

Knock Knock.
Who's There?
Ramparts who?
Ram parts are on sale down at the butcher store for 20% off.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Remember that time when Dave Gahan said "I'm" during the video for "Never Let Me Down Again"? Good times.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Have you ever been tickled?

I mean really tickled. Like so hard that you belch the name "Andy"?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ancient Secrets Nasal Cleaning Pot

How can mere words possibly do anything but detract from the message this image presents?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baby Treatment Awareness

Today is "How to treat your baby awareness day." Some of you nomsbanes out there are unaware so now you can know.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bucket List

I had this forwarded to me, so i thought it would be cool to fill it out and post it.

The Bucket List---- place an X by all the things you've done and remove the X from the ones you have not. This is for your entire life.

(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X Caught a raccoon with your tongue
(X) Been to Mexico
(X) Sang Karaoke
(X) Cleansed another man's genitals
( ) Went skydiving
( ) Killed more than one person not by accident
(X) Swam in the Ocean
(X) Been to Canada
( ) injured your thumb
(X) Used salad tongs on something stuck in your rectum
(X) Watched the sunrise with someone
( ) Read a twilight book
( ) Went skiing with a monkey that just had chemotherapy
(X) Performed street tricks for cash
(X) Played a sport
( ) Blown bubbles
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
( ) Stabbed in the heart with an actual working lightsaber
(X) Got excited about something
( ) Had your knees removed
( ) Laughed until milk and then 2 gallons of blood came out of your nose, so you went unconscious and was in a coma for 3 months.
(X) Wrote a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Had intercourse with an actual superhero
( ) Got tattooed by a drunk lesbian
(X) Been on TV
(X) Was expelled from a birth canal in AMerican Fork
(X) Eaten cereal

Looks like I still have some livin' to do.

Why I Like Some Cereals

1) Sometimes they're not Cheerios

2) they taste good

3) Sometimes they're the puffed rice kind like Sugar Smacks

11) You can read the box while you eat

craig) I like pancakes better