Thursday, November 6, 2014

Joel's Worst Halloween Outfits

"Oddly Calm Muay Thai Kicker Man" - 1982. It wasn't very modest, and it was kind of "look at me".
"Sexy Face Ballet Man"-1992. This was more modest, but your gut was as big as it had ever gotten to that point. The face was sexy, though. 

"Fisheye Man" - 1991. A little predictable, and some scales got in my Halloween cider.

"How You Like Me Now Man"- 2001. The hat didn't go with the outfit, and I wanted you to stop doing that face and just talk to me like a human being.

"Office Pooper" - 1983. It made me laugh when you picked me up for the Halloween Ball, but the entire costume was cumbersome and people kept mistaking you for "Pooping Accountant"

"Gay Hat Santa Muay Thai Kicker Man" - 2012. A disaster, what with the constant explanations, and the fact that at the end of the evening, you changed it to "Kicking Santa Pooper Man"