Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Here at Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com, we care. That is our new motto.

MontgomeryQ writes:
I request a crown of some sort.
But, of course!
A crown of some sort
That's just how much we care here at the website called Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com. We work day and night to bring the hottest photographs of stuff on my head! Success! Fortune! Enigma! Power! AAA! Whatnot! All this and more await you and me as we undertake this worthwhile endeavor. Together. That's our motto at Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Please feel bad about that for a little while

One time, Mandi got all chewed up because the creator comments on my razorkeen blog look better than the creator comments I made for her to use on her blog. The following chat conversation ensued:

me: will you shut up? i'm trying to say about comments
mandi: omh would you say it already?
me: even though your current comments afre freaking awesome
me: gotta be angry
me: "your comments are cooler! bwaw"
me: freak
mandi: because you gotta best me immediately after making mine
mandi: at least wait a WEEK
mandi: gaul
me: oh you are so not
mandi: ha!
mandi: i've also been thinking: Can't you make the commenters comments cool? I don't always like to comment
mandi: and then they can stay and linger while enjoying their own comment
mandi: that's your secret to more comments!!!!!!
mandi: do you realize?!
me: new!
me: that can be done, but you're not suggesting the commenters comments are as cool as your own, are you? there needs to be distinguishation
mandi: ha! of course.
mandi: i like to GIVE to my readers, though
mandi: not take away like you
me: that does it
mandi: ghb
mandi: J/K! freak
me: i have an inkling to help you with your coments
me: do i take away?
mandi: just tell me! pretty please?
mandi: kind of you do, but that's just your elitism talking
me: ha!
me: i give you of humor, but you have to realize that while i give creativity and humor, i am better than you. so please feel bad about that for a little while.
me: that will be the tagline for low quality
me: and now you've gone. this is turning into a neat chat
mandi: it totally should. at least they would know what they're getting into
me: shut up and mind your place in the hierarchy of cool. i'm about to tell you something

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hot Commodity

My very new web site Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com is really taking off! I recently received this request from someone named "Paul".

I request a shower cap with a white gym sock stuck in it hanging down in the front

At  Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com we agree with you that we provide a service that is both rapid and valuable. With that mission in mind, here is the requested picture.

Tantamount? Uh-uh.
This site is really taking off like a pocketwatch in nowadays, so if you want to ride this wave of popularity, convenience, timeliness and wealth, submit your request today! Please use the submission forms on my desk (or just describe your request in a comment, but you're nah cool). And stay tuned to Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by request.com! Our promise to you is rapidness and value!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Skillin' it up!

I was working on creating a t-shirt design that looks something like this...
Poppies say Grr!
All was going well, but then I started working on my Christmas card (see previous post) in the same image editing software and it crashed! All my efforts were gainsayed. Gainsaid? You're saying "Joel, why are you still using Paint Shop Pro version 7.1? It's over 20 years old!" Well, so what? It still does what I want. Plus, here are the ways you get your hands on an Adobe product for image editing:
  1. Steal it. This is what most people do, I guess. 
  2. Pay an insane licensing fee to use it. It is literally insane. The licensing fee is. It is certifiable. 
My options are slim here is what I'm pointing out.But the primary point I'm trying to make here is that CafePress is a bit bonkers. They send me at least one email a day. Paul, remember Valerie and how she would come to my window in the middle of the night all the times and knock to wake me up? CafePress is like her.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Today I listened to a podcast about custom Christmas cards

Interviewer: As a graphic designer, what do you think is the key to making one of these cards interesting?
Interviewee: It's gotta be something that you saw and you thought some day I'm gonna use that as inspiration for what I'm doing.

With that motivation in mind, I went ahead and made this for you...

Merry Christmas!