One time, Mandi got all chewed up because the creator comments on my razorkeen blog look better than the creator comments I made for her to use on her blog. The following chat conversation ensued:
me: will you shut up? i'm trying to say about comments
mandi: omh would you say it already?
me: even though your current comments afre freaking awesome
me: gotta be angry
me: "your comments are cooler! bwaw"
me: freak
mandi: because you gotta best me immediately after making mine
mandi: at least wait a WEEK
mandi: gaul
me: oh you are so not
mandi: ha!
mandi: i've also been thinking: Can't you make the commenters comments cool? I don't always like to comment
mandi: and then they can stay and linger while enjoying their own comment
mandi: that's your secret to more comments!!!!!!
mandi: do you realize?!
me: new!
me: that can be done, but you're not suggesting the commenters comments are as cool as your own, are you? there needs to be distinguishation
mandi: ha! of course.
mandi: i like to GIVE to my readers, though
mandi: not take away like you
me: that does it
mandi: ghb
mandi: J/K! freak
me: i have an inkling to help you with your coments
me: do i take away?
mandi: just tell me! pretty please?
mandi: kind of you do, but that's just your elitism talking
me: ha!
me: i give you of humor, but you have to realize that while i give creativity and humor, i am better than you. so please feel bad about that for a little while.
me: that will be the tagline for low quality
me: and now you've gone. this is turning into a neat chat
mandi: it totally should. at least they would know what they're getting into
me: shut up and mind your place in the hierarchy of cool. i'm about to tell you something