Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Skillin' it up!

I was working on creating a t-shirt design that looks something like this...
Poppies say Grr!
All was going well, but then I started working on my Christmas card (see previous post) in the same image editing software and it crashed! All my efforts were gainsayed. Gainsaid? You're saying "Joel, why are you still using Paint Shop Pro version 7.1? It's over 20 years old!" Well, so what? It still does what I want. Plus, here are the ways you get your hands on an Adobe product for image editing:
  1. Steal it. This is what most people do, I guess. 
  2. Pay an insane licensing fee to use it. It is literally insane. The licensing fee is. It is certifiable. 
My options are slim here is what I'm pointing out.But the primary point I'm trying to make here is that CafePress is a bit bonkers. They send me at least one email a day. Paul, remember Valerie and how she would come to my window in the middle of the night all the times and knock to wake me up? CafePress is like her.

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