Monday, April 12, 2010

Welcome to my new website

This request for a bag of flour by Mandi was fulfilled using a nearby bag of potato flakes. Sorry, Mandi, the flour is all in buckets.

Thank you for stopping by at my new website. It's called Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by It's a phenomenal new idea in website technology where you ask me to take a picture of myself with a particular item atop my head. For instance, a jar of jam. (Disclaimer: I am not obligated to take a picture of myself with your request on my head. Some requests will be ignored so please don't ask me to take a picture of myself with jam on my head). Here's how it works: First you send me an item that you want me to place on my head immediately before taking my own picture. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want the item back. Then I put it on my head and take a picture. Alternatively, you just tell me what you want me to take a picture of on top of my head and I find that or something similar and then I place it on my head and take a picture. It's fun, easy and all the rage. Tell all your friends about Joel takes a picture of stuff on his head by today!


  1. I would like to have a picture of the earth on your head. You can fulfill this by standing on your head and taking a picture.

  2. Please submit requests using the authorized request submission form. It's on my desktop.

  3. I don't have the submission form, but I request that you put a monitor that has a picture of your head displayed on it on your head.

  4. I spose the potato flakes will do. Nice job. I think you should also post the laundry basket pic.

    I also second Paul's request, but I'd like the picture of your head on the monitor to also have a jar of jelly on it. JELLY!

    This website IS new!

  5. I request a shower cap with a white gym sock stuck in it hanging down in the front

  6. I request a buddha or some kind of asian scuplture.

  7. I'm putting this site on my google reader right now!

    I request Paul in a shower cap with sock hanging down. On your head.
