Friday, May 2, 2008

Hulk smash

One time Hulk bit off SIlver Surfer's head and it gave him the ability to fly. 


  1. Once I swallowed a bee and it made my throat swell. Does that count?

  2. Once Paul ate some food that made his butt smell....

  3. The other day I did this one was sooooo funny...

  4. I went and saw Ironman last night!! It kicks butt!!!!! I loved it!!!!

  5. This is indeed, LOW quality.

  6. yeah!!!
    Sherri is not bald anymore.

  7. Boo! Sherri is not bald anymore :(

  8. Once I bit the head off a mushroom and then I had the ability to fly.

    Its not that hard once you know how. But for some reason I can only figure it out when I bite the heads off mushrooms.

  9. what are you talking about Sasha? You wouldn't do that, ever.

  10. I thought I had the ability to fly off my deck but it turns out that I did not and I fell in a hole instead and I feel very broken. Do not try to fly off your deck without super powers.

  11. My cat flew off our deck this morning. She meant to jump onto the roof. She felt foolish and hid.

  12. Lou Ferrigno Hulk is so much awesomer than the stupid CGI Hulks they make now. I'm not even kidding.

  13. I like to pretend that I took drugs. Its a lot more fun than actually taking drugs.

    And I have to agree with Mandi. The CGI Hulk was the stupidest looking superhero ever.

    I fail to understand why CGI is considered better than "real" in movies. I Am Legend didn't have to resort to CGI for their scary people or at least to the extent that they did. There was absolutely no realism in those creatures and that hurt my suspension of disbelief quite a bit.

  14. That's exactly what I thought, Sasha! That could have been a good, scary movie, but the vampires or whatever they were had NOTHING human or believable about them, which made them very unscary. Just stupid. I wish they'd stop CGI-ing everything to death.

  15. CGI is good for only a few things. Creatures, super heroes and regular people are not included unless they are in the background or far away.

    I like CGI for the background, landscapes and stuff like that. Its more believable.

  16. I have to agree with the I Am Legend comments as well. The diseased humans were way over done.

  17. I didn't like I am Legend.

  18. I liked the part of I am Legend when it stopped and I didnt have to watch it anymore.

    CGI Hulk is the only way to go, buttcreams. And it doesn't look real because hes awesomer than anything youve ever seen.

  19. i agree that the "things" were pretty dumb looking, though. i just found the story quite moving. i love it when a movie like that has such a deep meaning.

  20. is that the original ending or the alternate ending? i thought the alternate was better.

  21. I liked I am Legend thoroughly. Even the original ending. The alternate was better though.

  22. Let me clarify, I liked I Am Legend.

  23. You all have butts made of cream. Sasha, let's go.

  24. Sasha and Mandi hold each other hands and skip off into the sunset yelling "CGI Hulks suck! So there! Nyahh!"

    No, I'm not feeling particularly childish today. Why do you ask?

    vuzowst = very ugly zoobies ought (to)wear something terrific.

  25. Oh and let me clarify... the overuse of CGI sucked in I Am Legend.

    envyyslb = even now very young yahoos should learn better.

  26. I didn't like I am Legend.

  27. butts made of cream are smooth, sweet and delightful. they do not stink.

    (see comment #2 by nan)

  28. oh, Paul's butt smells. And he would like everyone to hear it, as well.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Carrie, if you live by no other rule than this one, make this your daily mantra: I will never, EVER spoil a movie by disclosing events therein.
