Monday, June 2, 2008

Low Quality

I once met a guy named Weeyum. Yes, Weeyum.

PS: If you read this and thought, "Yeah, Joel, people across the world have odd names. Get used to it." then you misunderstood because this guy was not from abroad.


  1. Was his wee very yum, though?

    I dated a guy from India with a weird name, but I can't remember what it was. And now it's going to bug me all day. Dangit!

  2. Bilal. It was Bilal. You can add that to the poll if you want.

  3. Ok, I'm going to murder this stupid blogger error. It keeps deleting my comments!

  4. My research indicates that Bilal is actually wetting; refreshing.

    I can only wish I married someone with those qualities.

    So tell us about this Weeyum, Joel. Why would his non-abroad parents name him that? Surely you must have asked.

  5. Was it just a poorly spelled William?

  6. I want to marry someone with the last name Frank. First name WeeYum Thomas. Let me know if you get that joke.

    You'll think its pretty funny once you figure it out, I'm sure.

  7. I'm going to Alaska tomorrow.

  8. I'm not voting on the poll because I already named one of my children after Paul.

  9. Can we all agree to never tag anyone again for those questionnaire things. Unless of course a really, really good one comes around. And we know that will never happen.
    Did I mention, I'm going to Alaska tomorrow?
