Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's about time

Finally, some people have come to their senses and have determined to begin training for-reals-live Jedi Knights. I was afraid that the fact that the ideas behind The Force and Jedi Powers are fictional would prevent someone from instituting a training facility whose purpose is to teach these abilities. My fears are unfounded and sanity strikes a shining ray of hope through the thick cloud of reason and intelligence.


  1. Not only a course,I can also join the Jedi Church... Where do I sign master?

  2. I think George Michael should teach the lightsaber course.

  3. OK seriously, some people obviously have not had some good lovin, if this is there goal!!! Then of course hello a man thought of a class to share there light sabers.......FIGURES!!!!!

  4. No light sabers provided or allowed? What kind of crazy hoax education are they trying to push?

    I demand a refund!

  5. Sorry to interrupt your training but I've got shocking news for those of you who just would not believe the post on August 8. Check this out...

    That's it. No more Clay babies for me. It's back to Mr. Hasselhoff..Puppies anyone?
