Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PETA = Brains

How could a message with such obvious good intentions possibly be construed negatively?

You've been thinking that PETA doesn't make a lot of sense - that their hairbrained ideas will never amount to anything. You thought it was silly when they asked the city of Fishkill (the root word "kill" means "creek" in Dutch), New York to change their name to avoid the suggestion of cruelty to fish. Should Hamburg, NY change its name to Veggieburg, NY? No, PETA, no. Is their video game campaign bound to be a phenomenal success? It stands to reason that maybe. Just when you had given up hope in PETA ever making sense, they redeem themselves with a suggestion to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream that they use human breast milk instead of cows milk in their ice cream.

PETA: People who Eschew Thinking Altogether.


  1. The reason they are taken so seriously is because they have such good ideas, well-founded on the belief that animals are just as important as humans.

  2. PETA=Penally entertaining thrusting actions

  3. Breast milk. OKAY. Because breast milk is 100% good. And it couldn't be full of medications, alcohol or AIDS. No, breast milk IS best. Don't use soymilk, or any plant-based milk.

    PETA = Pretty erotic tummy acid

  4. and sometimes it tastes all garlic-y.

  5. "And I know from experience, dude. Eh, eh?"

  6. One time I was in Idaho and the cow died on my uncle's farm so we went looking to get a new one and we were looking at one at a neighbor's house and every time my uncle sat down to milk it it would fart. a big juicy one. If you touched its tetas it farted automatically.

    My uncle goes "this cow is from Ohio isnt it"

    the dude goes "yeah how'd you know that?"

    Uncle: "My wife is from Ohio. "

  7. My ex is from Ohio too! But he just farted no matter what and no matter where.

    I sure do miss that.

  8. OK now that I have vomitted and laughed and not in that order.........
