Friday, October 10, 2008

Constellations in the sky tonight

Orion and the big dipper are a shoe in for my guess as to which constellations will be visible in tonight's sky. To beat the band.


  1. Shouldn't shoe in be shoe-in? Now who's diatribe is showing?

  2. It's shoo-in, you realizers. To beat the band, indeed!

  3. I think it's a Stephanie Shoopman-in

  4. Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds: "Mandy, I think Sasha's right. Its shoe-in."

  5. Oh brother, here's me lugging out my Merriam-Webster's again for you people.

    /ˈʃu:ˌɪn/Listen to audio
    Inflected forms:
    plural shoo–ins
    [count] chiefly US informal : someone or something that will win easily or is certain to win ▪ The horse is a shoo-in to win the race. often + for ▪ a shoo-in for the tournament/job/award

    And from World Wide Words:

    [A] This one is spelled wrongly so often that it’s likely it will eventually end up that way. The correct form is shoo-in, usually with a hyphen. It has been known in that spelling and with the meaning of a certain winner from the 1930s. It came from horse racing, where a shoo-in was the winner of a rigged race.

    In turn that seems to have come from the verb shoo, meaning to drive a person or an animal in a given direction by making noises or gestures, which in turn comes from the noise people often make when they do it.

    The shift to the horse racing sense seems to have occurred sometime in the early 1900s. C E Smith made it clear how it came about in his Racing Maxims and Methods of Pittsburgh Phil in 1908: “There were many times presumably that ‘Tod’ would win through such manipulations, being ‘shooed in’, as it were”.

    K, then. My rightness stands supreme.

    Also, Sasha, my name is spelled with an i, which I will take to mean that you don't love me.


  6. Mandi! I know how to spell your name right. It was Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds that spelled it wrong.

    Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds: "Mandy, you need to watch Jeopardy on SNL more often. And Sasha is still right."

    See. I told you it was him.
