Thursday, January 8, 2009

New comments

If you are using a Macintosh and you are using Firefox and you are having difficulty commenting on a blog which uses embedded comments then you are in luck because you are reading the answer to your problems: Enable 3rd party cookies.

Here's how:
Select "Preferences".
Select the "Privacy" icon.
Under "Cookies", check "Accept third party cookies"

I think that's how it works anyway. I'm using Firefox on a PC and only have 3rd party experience through trying to walk Mandi through the process. Good job, Mandi, figuring out how to follow my instructions and thereby fixing your comment dearth.


  1. I guess this applies to Paul.

  2. Of the two of you, I think Joel is hotter!

  3. No, it's Paul all the way.

    Thank you for the superb help in finally being able to comment, Joel. We're quite a problem solving duo.
