Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy LQSD-Stomach Full of Walnuts


  1. Here's some things that I will never understand:

    1. Why some people consistently get married after only knowing someone for a very short amount of time and then wondering why they get divorced so often.

    2. Why some people enjoyed the movie Twilight.

    3. This post.

  2. My old boss was married 4 times (and divorced 3 times) to the same person. That was understandable.

    What's not to understand about this post. Joel, explain.

  3. Sasha, LQSD = Low Quality Song Day.

    This song makes me think of once when I stepped on a bee with bare feet. The bee had bare feet, I mean.

    Nice job, Paul. I'm pleased as always with your awesomeness.

  4. Oh, wait. I get it. You were confused about the 100n connector in the diagram. Yeah, that's a little confusing, but if you'll pay particular attention, you'll note that the 68uf line on the 5 volt (positive) stream goes into the FIRST connector. I believe that will clear up your confusion.

  5. Forget about the black box at the bottom. That part isn't relevant.

  6. "usb conn" is short for usb connie chung. Now you see?

  7. I need an extended remix of this song. I freaking LOVE IT.

  8. Mandi, that's a comment I can get behind.

  9. I'm frightened to think of what else you're "getting behind" in that speedo.

  10. Yeah, this song rocks. I think it deserves to be lengthened. Of all the songs posted for LQSD, this one is my favorite.
