Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DId you know that yes? Part II

I've once again gained enlightenment and understanding by way of this truth that I found. In case you disbelieve, she offers an example blueprint over on the left filled with facts and verifiable data. Whatever she's charging, it isn't enough to cover the help that she provides.

As you read though the website, count how many times you say "Indeed". Multiply that by how many times you wish you had yourself balanced, for example, before a job interview, or when you're constipated. Add the number of times she's used Creative Kinesiology to make a difference in someone's life, and you've got yourself your Soul Number.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Do you like camping?

Here's how to tell if you like camping. When you go camping, if you feel like you want to be there, then you do.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I have

Have you seen 21?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Bag of Urine

I made a new blog that will hopefully help the shortage of urinebag-based blogs. You should definitely check it out and make a comment; maybe using your favorite urine-related quote. Here's mine:

"I think it's a good idea to carry around a bag of urine at all times. That way, if someone asked for some help, you can say, "Sorry. Got this bag of urine." -Jack Handey

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Knock Knock

Who's there?
Theresa who?
Theresa girl on Mad Men who think she's all that and her fiance had his way with her in her boss's office and he's a thoracic surgeon and there's a lady at Vox named Theresa.

This one time

Joel and I went over to Dave and Am's house and made fun of things like their low ceiling, then left. I wonder if they appreciated that?

Dave moved to Draper. The End.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My dad brought over some ice skates

and some other crap that go on feet. They fit none of us. I can either:

a) store them and then try to remember to pull them out when a kid reaches that size, or
b) put them in a pile for DI.

Vote early and earnestly. But please, one vote per household.