Friday, September 10, 2010

A request

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Does anyone have a picture frame they could give me? I'm feeling kinda proud. Of 25 questions, I think I only missed 8, so I guess you could maybe imagine some flying colors about that.


  1. Hey look! It even has a self-declared announcement on its frame-ability! Maybe you should ask the company that gave you this certificate if they could suggest a framing store that could handle your need for a comparable quality frame.

    I'm sure they would be happy to oblige.

  2. How can you frame it? You don't have the Unit number on it. Gee!

  3. Remember that picture frame I have that says "Always" on it? That one.

  4. They keep bugging me to get the paperwork in that I have done this and all the other (neat) training. Expected timeline that I will give them this paperwork: Ever. I did it online, but I'll be damned if I'm going to spend the time to print it and then give it to someone.
