There's a lady here at work that said "it's 2:34!" So I yelled "It's 2:34 everybody! Yayyyyyy!"
After the applause died down, Luke asked why she said that. She said "Because I believe in numerology, and 2:34 is a good number!"
So naturally I googled it and found out some interesting facts. If you have some facts, I encourage you to post them.*
*Please put only scientifically verifiable facts.
Fact 1: Add together all the digits in the birth date and add the sum together until you get a number from 1 to 9. The number you get will describe the general trend and direction of your life.
Fact 2: Numerology helps you pinpoint where you are in the grand scheme of things.
Fact 3: Numerology can help you to discover your potential and empower you to take charge of your destiny.
Count the number of fingers on your left hand. Multiply the total by 10. If the product is less than 41, something is wrong with you.
You can determine the personality that you were born with by measuring the distance from the bottom of your feet to the opposite wall while laying on your bed in your natural sleeping position.
Less than 7 inches: Agitated
More than 7 inches: Not so agitated.
Is it true that all the persons born on that particular day have the same life pattern in life? NO.
It is believed that the vibrations of the name of the person have a very major effect on the life path and it differs from person to person because of vibes in their different names.
If you wake up before 6:00 on a day that ends in 7 and eat 8 identical breakfast items (like pop tarts) you will have 9 compliments on your 10 pairs of trousers (that you also put on that day)
It is a widely known phenomenon that there are 366 life patterns. (3 * 2 = 6... there are two (2) sixes!) With this groundwork, it's natural to wonder whether each life pattern is associated with a day of the year. Research was performed. Evidence was accumulated. Facts were ascertained. Until in our modern day and age we can state for certain that the day on which you were born determines your life pattern! Holy #@$!
It isn't that your parents unconsciously foresaw the pattern your life would follow and named you accordingly. But kinda it is.
Numerology = Facts
ReplyDeleteI did a report on numerology in 7th grade, because I thought it was kind of interesting. (Keep in mind, I was 13). We had to interview two real life "mentors" that could tell us about our subject. I found this one really nice lady, and then this other freaky guy that lived in downtown Salt Lake. My dad took me to the guy's house with my little sister. We walked into his dark, creepy, super-cluttered basement apartment, and my dad was like, "Well, I need to run an errand, I'll be back in an hour." He left us, 11 and 13, alone with this weirdo for an hour. That blows my mind to this day. Thanks dad! The guy was harmless, but I was freaked out the whole time. He kept saying, "I can't believe you're Mormon. You must be so open-minded." It was at that point in time that I realized what a genius I was for picking numerology as my subject. The things he was telling me were reliable and sound. I could tell that the numbers had clearly allowed him to take charge of his destiny and reach his potential. That much was obvious.
You were 11 and 13? Add that. 24, right? Now, times that by the number of minutes in an hour (60 x 24 = 1440) and divide by the grade you were in.
That makes it 205.71428571428571
Which, according to Numerology is a "safe zone".
So, unknowingly, your dad was leaving you in a perfectly safe place for to learn about science.
Ready to find out what your numbers say about you and your life? Well get ready, and go here for a free reading:
My dad probably calculated that beforehand. Phew.
ReplyDeleteCycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny.
ReplyDeleteAny us currently fruiting?
That's astounding! I just ate some pineapple a couple of days ago!
When calculating your expression, the vowels in your name are summed in order to arrive at your Soul Urge which is what you desire to Be, to Have and to Do in your life. There are nine of these.
Your Personality Number is 7
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
A 7 Personality Number is the mark of a person deeply absorbed in the pursuit of spiritual and cosmic knowledge. 7s are intelligent, perceptive and introspective. It comes as no surprise that the 7 Personality is an introvert. 7 Personalities can be difficult to get close to. They have the air of a mystic about them and can be quite aloof. Also, 7s love their privacy. However, the 7 Personalities' wisdom and knowledge will draw people to them, and in the end they will realize sharing their knowledge is as rewarding as gaining it.
This is me to a tee. Except instead of the "air of a mystic" I have the "air of a farting person" about me.
I can't believe how much that's you.
ReplyDeleteWhen your name changes (by marriage, new name or nickname) your talents and abilities are enhanced or modified by the new Soul Urge number. Your interests, attitudes and abilities may change a bit for you when you change your name, but both numbers will be accurate to you.
My name change has sufficiently enabled me to endure Paul's "mystic air."
Yeah, I was wondering about nicknames, but I guess having one changes your soul energy enough to warrant different numbers, and thus, a different path.
So, according to my calculations, if I want to have the talent of finding money on the sidewalk wherever I go, then... 7+4=11... mhmm... carry the 1... OK, everyone. I want you to start calling me LipBraid
I almost die just now chioking on a donut and laughing
From The truth about numerology:
Some numerologists cannot even count from one to twenty without saying the number thirteen.
I requested a reading from Numerologist.com. He sent me back a PDF booklet of a lot of science-based things, and a promise to send me my report tomorrow. I wrote back
"I thought I was supposed to get a reading in 15 minutes? Is it because it's Friday? 3/08?"
He also ended his email "Yours in Numbers" so that wipes away any remaining trace of doubt residue.
From that same Truth about Numerology:
"As you can see, numbers mean something in numerology."
As you can see, your diet affects your fecal matter.
As you can see, letters mean something in ransom notes.
As you can see, words mean something in Miley Cyrus songs.
I... just don't know. I remain dubious that numbers mean something in numerology.
C'mon, man! Dont you get it?!?
To paraphrase: when you turn 40, you think about the first half of your life. When you're 50, you look back and make t reasonable!
And 5 and 12 are meaningful to kids! SO, Numerology, being the study of numbers, can use the numbers to predict the future!
Maybe you're still not getting it. How best to explain....
OK, you know how in the first paragraph, it says that Numerology is "something like astrology or tarot cards." You know how they work? Now just think understand that it's like that, but with numbers! Get it?
Well, I grant you that astrology and tarot cards work because of the underlying truths innate to each. I guess my real concern is whether or not most companies will not even label a floor with the number 13. Let me be up front in stating that I believe this is true. Are we talking about the 4th floor though? I wouldn't label a floor 13 if it was the 4th one up from the ground, for instance. Or are we referring to the fact that most buildings have fewer than 13 floors? It is my experience that whenever I enter a building, be it my home, the local Wal-narts or the Chevron gas station, the first thing I do is head to the elevator and look for a button labeled 13. Guess what. I almost never see one. What does that tell you?
I think they mean that they don't paint 13 on the actual tile of the floor. They just let the elevator button deliver the information.
"A five year old child will be able to start their kindergarten years"
How many years did the author spend in kindergarten?
666: What is amazing about this number is that every bar code in the world has a the number 666 in it. If this is the case, then perhaps a chip in the hand is the "mark of the beast".
ReplyDeleteThat statement resonates so strongly with me, it produces an up and down motion with my head.
You guys. This is the 30th comment. And there are 3 commenters....so 30 divided by 3 = 10, and 1 + 0 = 1. Meaning: We're number 1? Or we've only just begun?
Now we're number two :(
Comment 33: 3+3=6. That reminds me of 666!!!!!!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!