Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dome-O Arigato, Stephen King

I've started watching Under the Dome. It's a show about a town that gets trapped under a huge concave force field. I was hooked once the dome split a cow in half. Joel, you should watch it. Maddie said that they copied the Simpsons movie, but I said that it's based on Stephen King's book. Which was published after the Simpson's movie. Did he plagiarize? 

A little bit of Wikipedia reading revealed that he had the idea back in the 70's and even had written 2 different books about it(unpublished) at least 10 years before the Simpsons movie. So that's good. 

I downloaded the book and started to read it. So far it's good. What's up with you? That was directed to each person that is reading this. 


  1. Ok I have to ask. Why the hell is that guy touching that other guys wiener? Is that a real book? I am too scared to google it.

  2. It's an actual book written by a religious guy that was gay and had a long weird gay life. You should wikipedia him and then not follow his footsteps.

  3. Also, the show has turned really dumb. You should NOT watch it. I have completely reversed that opinion, thanks to its horrible writing and acting.

  4. I finished the book. It was kind of dumb, too. They never try to tunnel under it.

    You know what's super-good, though? Pacific RIm. in 3-D.

  5. "This is where I would touch you if I were a pedophile."
