Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I am become machine

Well, I got tubes in my ears.  As if I didn't have enough troubles already, now I'm a cyborg.


  1. I didn't actually get tubes in my ears, but still...

  2. Still indeed.

    This is a weird coincidence. A couple of months ago, my ear tube exploded and I lost a third of my blood volume, which doctors replaced with a quart of Pennzoil. Now I talk in a robot voice. :(

  3. This world! Is there any chance we could all go back to being human and stop smashing our neighbor's craniums with our cybernetic mitts? (You do that now, too, right?)

  4. Of course I do! It's not very dumb!

    Well, actually it was a fallopian tube what burst, and they may have given me human blood....I wasn't really paying attention. And my voice is fine. But STILL!
