Dear Mandoon,
Your reading is unequivocal. The information you provided was as truthful as the summit and thus your reading is as accessible.
- Never bet on a hamster race. There is a hamster conspiracy against you. Something about a fried sandwich you once made for someone? Anyway, hamsters are unforgiving, so don't expect they'll forget any time soon (ever).
- Make sure you spend several minutes each day examining the shape of the clouds. You will derive daily inspiration and sometimes messages literally (figuratively) spelled out for you.
- Earthenware. My numerology reading told me to include that to you. Presumably it has significance that only you can derive. The truth will set you free.
- Every time you click on one of those gear icons to change your settings a fruit bat dies. So restrain yourself (or go crazy, depending on how you feel about killing fruit bats).