Thursday, April 3, 2008

If you think IronMan doesnt stand for freedom, think again.


  1. Were these posted by Paul or Joel? I know Paul is obsessed with Iron Man. I do not know Joel's Iron Man obsession level, however.

  2. These were posted by Paul. I don't know why it says Powered by Joel. That's a very small amount not dumb.

  3. Paul are ya slightly excited for the movie??

  4. I think blogger is confused (like the rest of us) as to which of you is which.

    Sometimes I wonder if my brother is actually Paul, but then I realize.

  5. I told Paul the wrong email address to use to publish to this blog. That's why it shows his posts as coming from me. But now he knows the right one and if he ever posts again it should be under his own name.

  6. HA! I thought you were sighing about the singing. But this is also a good occasion to sigh.
