Monday, April 7, 2008

Sell out

Caving in to pressure from the fans and the people with the money, I have recorded Mandi's low quality song,


  1. JOEL YOU HAVE OUTDONE YOURSELF!! I am ghb-ing my pants off. We're not the singer/songwriting duo of the century! NO WE'RE NOT!!

  2. This is so awesome Joel! You are the best singer evah.

    By the way Mandi, I wish that it was possible that your avatar could have a sound byte attached to it. If it did, it would have to be of Joel saying "Really?!?"

    Its too funny.

  3. Commenting so I can get follow-up comments. (Not dumb).

  4. This borders on quality. This is better than many medium- to higher-quality posts at other blogs. I disapprove.

  5. I should say, I approve of the song, but not it's quality.

    I wish I could do that.

  6. How DO you do that? And can you teach Paul? Because he has many a (good) song in him.

  7. And p.s. Sasha, you don't know how much I want my avatar to speak. It's seriously killing me. Joel, can't you do something about that? I think we should have a Paul and Joel "Really?!?" saying contest and vote on it. That would be low quality fun.

  8. Here here! I agree with Mandi. Let's have a contest! But only if its low quality.

    My word verification is nzryuypd
