Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mad Lib

Here is a fun mad lib you can do with your friends:

You are a     (noun)    .

Monday, September 29, 2008


At the insistence of others this song is now available for hearing directly on this page!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Exciting news

A low quality related blog post has made its way onto my high quality blog. I'd say more but...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PETA = Brains

How could a message with such obvious good intentions possibly be construed negatively?

You've been thinking that PETA doesn't make a lot of sense - that their hairbrained ideas will never amount to anything. You thought it was silly when they asked the city of Fishkill (the root word "kill" means "creek" in Dutch), New York to change their name to avoid the suggestion of cruelty to fish. Should Hamburg, NY change its name to Veggieburg, NY? No, PETA, no. Is their video game campaign bound to be a phenomenal success? It stands to reason that maybe. Just when you had given up hope in PETA ever making sense, they redeem themselves with a suggestion to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream that they use human breast milk instead of cows milk in their ice cream.

PETA: People who Eschew Thinking Altogether.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's about time

Finally, some people have come to their senses and have determined to begin training for-reals-live Jedi Knights. I was afraid that the fact that the ideas behind The Force and Jedi Powers are fictional would prevent someone from instituting a training facility whose purpose is to teach these abilities. My fears are unfounded and sanity strikes a shining ray of hope through the thick cloud of reason and intelligence.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gum Pile

Here is my gum pile. I can't wait to see how you nitpickers tear this post apart.