Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gum Pile

Here is my gum pile. I can't wait to see how you nitpickers tear this post apart.


  1. Are you baking it under a lamp? what if it gets an earplug stuck to it?

  2. I don't really understand everything that's going on there, but the whole of it leaves me with one impression: Not too good.

  3. Mysteries from this post:

    Why does your tummy hurt so much?

    Why is the base of your lamp made out of a pink electrical cord?

    Why are we going to have to get you a new, non-singed, non-sad lamp for your birthday?

    Haven't we done enough already?

  4. yAH THE gUM IS disGUStiNG!! aND somEoNe MusT GEt THe PooPIes ALOT!!

  5. I'm not a nitpicker, I'm a naysayer...I don't think this post really applies to me.

  6. Nan's post has been elected as the best one for this segment of Low Quality.

  7. Ugh! Can we see something else, please.

  8. Mandi, for the last time: Let's compare your queries and my lack of response thereto unto the film series Star Wars. Remember how you felt about Darth Vader at the end of Episode 6? Do you remember the unsurety, the suspense, the je ne sais quoi? And then you watched episodes 1 thru 3 which tell the story... answer the questions, if you will, that we all had about the mysteriousness of Mr. Vader. Those answers were so offensively poor that everyone involved (including you and me, but excluding Lucas himself) feels nothing but shame.

    Your questions represent Darth Vader at the summit of his unverifiability. If I were to answer them, who knows but what the answers would result in a mass exodus away from low quality?

    I am no Lucas!

  9. Joel,

    Your argument is superfluous and estoteric. While it demonstrates your extensive vocabulary, its implications are lost due to its inherent inability to elucidate the argument.

    This comment of mine is a replication of the difficulty placed on the peruser of these remarks to interpret obsure jargon and will optimistically present you with an accurate illustration of the dilemma caused by such tactics.

    You're welcome.

  10. I wish I could attach nose hairs to comments because that is my response to you, Sasha, a pinchful of nose hairs. Coarse. And bent from where I grasped them with my fingernails and yanked them out.

  11. Good, because that would be the most mature and rational way to respond.
